Yogurt is a dairy product that is included in the menu of every household. You can have it as a breakfast food, as a snack or pour it in salad, curry or desserts. The dairy product is a rich source of calcium, riboflavin and proteins. There are many varieties of yogurt that is available in the market. Even dieters have yogurt 1-3 times a day to lose weight. But, there are few people who believe that yogurt is fattening and won't help in weight loss. If you pick up the right yogurt packet, you will not gain but lose weight. Low-fat or fat-free yogurt is good to shed extra pounds. Lets check out whether yogurt is fattening or not.
Is yogurt a fattening dairy product?
1. If not made with skimmed milk, yogurt can be a fattening dairy product. Skimmed milk is low in fat and can be a healthy substitute for cow's milk or packaged milk that is loaded with fats. Many people make yogurt at home with normal milk. If you use skimmed or low-fat milk, yogurt can't be fattening.
2. The fat content in yogurt depends on the variety that you are consuming. A full-fat yogurt is highly rich in calories and fats that can deposit in your body. Whereas, a fat-free yogurt has 70-120 calories and low-fat yogurts have 140-170 calories per carton. Depending on the variety of yogurt, this dairy product can affect your body weight.
3. If you go for flavoured yogurt, then it can be fattening. Flavoured yogurt is made with artificial sweeteners that increases the amount of calories in the dairy product. You might like fruit flavoured yogurt but they are flavoured with fruit essence and artificial sweeteners. So, go for plain yogurt. You can add low-fat artificial sweeteners like aspartame or sucralose in yogurt to avoid weight gain.
4. Flavoured yogurt contains pureed fruit and this can lead to weight gain. Go for plain low-fat or fat-free yogurt to avoid putting on pounds.
5. Toppings are done to make the dairy product more appealing to the eyes. If the toppings of whipped cream or pulp has fats or artificial sweeteners, avoid adding them. If you really wish to change the taste and appearance of plain yogurt, top with oats, cereals or freshly chopped fruits.
6. Depending on the serving size of the yogurt, we can decide whether it is fattening or not. Excessive intake of any food is bad for health. Even if you have low-fat or fat-free yogurt, make sure you have limited servings so that you do not stuff yourself. Limited intake of any food keeps you full and prevents the tummy from coming out.
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