
April 19, 2013

Nestle CEO declares water "food that should be privatized, and not a human right"

Do you believe water is a basic human right? According to Nestlé CEO water is a foodstuff that should be privatized, not a human right. Nestlé CEO Peter Brabeck says that with the global population rising water is not a public right, but a resource that should be managed by businessmen. Please do share your thoughts.

Nestlé CEO Peter Brabeck: “Access to water should not be a public right.”



  1. If he believes so, let's cut off his access and that of his family and see how much he's willing to pay after two days without. Once he's paid up, I'll be first in line to blast the f**ker with a fire hose to the b*lls. These money junkies and their schemes need to be stopped. Nestle products have just been blacklisted in my house. (like they weren't before anyway...)

  2. Strip Mr. Brabeck of his huge salary and assets and put him on a minimum wage salary and then force him to buy the water he needs for himself and his family. Maybe he'll change his mind!
    Although watching this video I doubt it.

  3. Brabeck's corpse should be bbq'd and feed to the homeless.

  4. ...delusional asshole..!

  5. Water Water everywhere bu tnot a drop to drink -Freely

    It has come to this now. A few years back a book was called 'Water Wars' and projected this same attitude.

    With a 'Declared' Turnover of 90 Billion they have the resources to Takeover what they do not already control. Check House of Windsor on the www.ExecutiveIntelligenceReview past articles and it becocme all to clear. They control grain, Meat, most of the food supply and Well it would make sense - The Water.

    Backyard Wells to be outlawed soon..

    "Citizen isn't that a well over there behind the garage" No officer that's a bird bath and we put it there to save watering for the bird" "Looks like a illegal well or water supply to me. Todd you and the other agents break that thing up".

    We are Legion

  6. Perhaps if times get hard enough, we the people will declare CEOs to be "foodstuff". That would accomplish two things...feed the hungry AND eliminate lunatics from positions of power.

  7. Wunderbar!
    Having seen this video of the CEOs vision for his company, I can Guarantee that I will never knowingly buy a Nestle product.
    It should be aired on primetime in all countries. I am sure that Greece, Portugal, Italy France, Cyprus, Ireland, and the vast majority of the UK population will know how to deal with this ignorant, arrogant POS.

  8. Take him out and shoot him!

  9. Well, now we know why they are trashing our ground water resources through fracking, oil spills, farm chemicals, etc. Did you know that the Bush Family bought the worlds largest aquifer, down in South America? Sounds like "water" is about to become the next "oil", and the Bush Family is about to become even richer still.
    I know it looks bleek out there. But not for much longer.

  10. ha ha ha....
    effin idiot....

  11. Fascist scum.

    I guess they'll say that air is a foodstuff too - so we should start paying for that as well. The insanity that I have to pay to live on the planet I was born on has gone past the point of ludicrous and into the Twilight Zone.

    "I'm still of the oppinion that the biggest social responsibility of any CEO is to maintain and ensure the successful and profitable future of his enterprise."

    Like others, I am now officially boycotting Nestle products, and will advise anyone I come in contact with to do the same. As a CEO you have utterly failed in your responsibilty to represent your firm by placing the profits of your corporation ahead of the greater good of the people you sell your products to. You should resign.

    I also believe that the views expressed by this CEO towards water privatization constitute a crime against humanity for which he should face legal repercussions. This video should be retained as evidence for any future judicial proceedings.

    At the same time, ALL corporations exist because governments, elected by the people allow them to exist.

    Ultimately, Nestle wouldn't exist if people didn't make and consume their products. They exist solely at the discretion of humanity, and ,unlike water, can be viewed as a product of humans, rather than of nature. As such, when something humans produce is detrimental to the continued welfare and existence of humanity, it is the natural right of all people to abolish such products. I believe that the certificate of incorporation should hereby be revoked from the Nestle Corporation.

  12. Agreed, shoot the goof.

  13. Wasn't he a Concentration Camp GUARD? I'm sure he was.

  14. There is an easy and effective way of showing your position - boycott the company's products. I certainly do!

  15. water has been around before humans existed- so yeah- it is a right. and it will be around long after the name of nestle is forgotten.

  16. Next they will try to privatize the air. You'll have to pay to breath. Indeed, when Monsanto owns the copyright on your genes, you'll be a living copyright infringement or you'll be owned by Monsanto. Isn't it time this madness stopped?

  17. Demons are real and there are alot of them. What motivates this sick f*%ks is an evil energy, darkside stuff. We're swimming in watter, can pull the stuff right out of the air with a water atmospheric water generator. The comming water shortage is another economic bubble myth created to control.

  18. What these plutocrats can't steal they will pollute with fracking.

  19. These psychopathic creatures have no compassion or real connection to humanity. It has been traumatized or brainwashed out of them. They are dangerous callous unrepentant destroyers of the goodness of our planet and the potential we have for a humane compassion planet. To those that persist in being plunderers of our planet, its resources and have turn things as well as people into compliant whores, I say no mercy shall be shown to their ilk in the days ahead. Boycott of their products should be done at the very least.

  20. Bloody idiot.

    We should Boycott nestle products.
