
November 07, 2015

Truth About The 2nd Amendment Liberals Don’t Want You to Know

Kimberly Morin reports that politicians who keep talking about pushing an Australia-type gun confiscation scheme onto the United States don’t realize they are actually the best gun salespeople out there.
Gun control addicts sell more guns than they claim the NRA ever does.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation processed a record number of background checks in the month of October, indicating that gun sales were at an all time high for the sixth month in a row.

The FBI’s National Instant Background Check System processed 1,976,759 firearms related checks in October. That is a 373,290 increase in checks over last year and a new record for the month. It also makes October the sixth consecutive month to see a record number of checks.
“Barrack Obama and Hillary Clinton are the best gun salespeople on the planet. The more they scream for new gun control laws the more guns walk off the shelves at gun stores,” said Alan Gottlieb, the head of the Second Amendment Foundation. “To quote the lyrics of Peter, Paul and Mary, ‘When will they ever learn, when will they ever learn.’”
Because of the insane rhetoric of people like Obama, O’Malley, Clinton and other gun control politicians, many people who never even dreamed of owning firearms are indeed going out and purchasing them.

When Americans continually hear over and over again how their rights are going to be taken away and they fear they will no longer be able to protect themselves, they act upon that fear.
So you have people who want less guns in the public’s hands actually promoting more guns!
You can’t make this stuff up.