
November 19, 2012

Google Trends: Americans more interested in Twinkies than Israel/Gaza

Which one is important news? Gaza attack news? Or the closing of American snack cake ‘Twinkies’? Google Trends shows the news of Twinkies is more important to Americans.

U.S. Search Results - Twinkies More Important Than Israel
Israel launched more than 130 aerial and sea attacks against the besieged Gaza Strip on Sunday. Initial reports suggested that 50-100 people died and more than hundreds people were injured. On the other side Hostess announced on Friday that it would be closing shop, threatening the existence of the iconic Twinkie baked cake. While Gaza attack should have been the most prior news to all, but Google Trends’ graph in the U.S. for the past seven days show that people in America searched for the closing news of Twinkie baked cake more rather than the news of Gaza attack. In the above image the red line shows the percentage of search result of Twinkie, while the blue line shows the percentage of search result of Gaza attack.

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