
April 28, 2015

Father's Very Honest Obituary For His Daughter Has Gone Viral For Mentioning Her Drug Addiction

After Molly Parks died of a heroin overdose, her father didn't want to hide that fact in her obituary.

Molly Parks died on April 16, 2015 at the age of 24 from an overdose of heroin. 

 She had struggled with her addiction for five years.

Molly's father, Tom Parks, decided to write an obituary that talked about her cause of death frankly. 

 "People usually don’t say that their loved one died of a drug overdose because they are embarrassed," BuzzFeed News says Tom had told them. Instead of being vague, he wanted to talk about Molly's problems openly as a way of shedding light on the situation. 

“I wanted people to know that people are dying of addiction and overdoses,” he said. “People have to know, we are losing a whole generation.”

Molly "attended one year at SMCC until her addiction took over," the obituary states. "She enjoyed theater, fashion, reading – especially Harry Potter, and will always be remembered for fearless personality and her trademark red lipstick."

 "Along Molly's journey through life, she made a lot of bad decisions including experimenting with drugs."
 "She fought her addiction to heroin for at least five years and had experienced a near fatal overdose before."
 "Molly's family truly loved her and tried to be as supportive as possible as she struggled with the heroin epidemic that has been so destructive to individuals and families in her age bracket."
 Molly's parents and sister, Kasey (pictured above), mourn the loss of Molly, but are bravely speaking up about the reality of their situation. 

Tom Parks wrote a Facebook post soon after Molly's death that deals honestly with what had happened.

 And Kasey has also spoken out.
Tom Parks told BuzzFeed that he never expected the obituary to go viral, but he hopes it will help other families struggling with addiction.

1 comment:

  1. The 12-Step religious AA/NA cult treatment industry...KILLS ANOTHER ONE!
